Enhance your body,

Center you mind,

Enliven your spirit.

Providing you with the tools and support to access greater health and gain a deeper connection with who you truly are.




10:00, 14:00 & 20:00 selected days

Commit to showing up on the mat for the work that’s required to continue to grow into a better version of yourself. You’ll eventually find grace within effort so the work can seem effortless.

Breath-work focused yoga classes that magnify your physical practice. Various classes ranging from dynamic, lively flows to more mellow and gentle, restorative classes.



Selected days by appointment

Reiki Healing and/or Massage

When the body is given certain parameters it will always work its way towards vibrant health and optimal function.

The treatments are intuitive and can have a profoundly deep impact on your physical, mental and emotional health.



Selected days by appointment

Natural medicine looks to find the root cause of ailments and incorporates gentle therapeutic techniques involving the body, mind and emotions to aid the healing process. Through education and being empowered as a patient you can take more responsibility for your well-being and adopt a healthier lifestyle and attitude.



Selected days by appointment

These sessions are finely tailored to your unique needs.

Deliberately creating challenges and quietude provides us with an opportunity to rewire the unconscious mind, to release negative patterns and to reprogram new and more appropriate responses.

Sessions can include gentle body work and assisted stretching.

The mission at HealthSphere is to guide and empower people in working towards their finest, healthiest self.

Various modalities are blended to offer you comprehensive healthcare and healing.