

HealthSphere will support you in your pursuit of vibrant health and complete wellbeing.
HealthSphere is housed at The Yoga Hut; a dwelling purposefully built to provide space for immersion in holistic health and wellbeing.

We offer various health & healing consultations, yoga classes and workshops. HealthSphere can provide you with the tools and support to access greater health and gain a deeper connection with who you truly are. Here you can be inspired, receive treatments, nourish yourself, and learn about ways to cultivate optimal health and balance in your life.


Camilla Gadsden Dalhoff

I was born in Melbourne, Australia and have now set down roots in a peaceful area just on the northern outskirts of Aarhus in Denmark.

Whilst growing up, I was always happiest exploring different physical pursuits and challenging the range and ability of my body.

My mother is a nurse and an amazing caretaker which is where I believe my interest in nurturing people started. My studies began with my first Reiki course in 1999. I completed a Bachelor of Science in Natural Medicine in 2004, Therapeutic Massage certificate in 2004 and my first Yoga training in 2006.

Reiki Healing, massage and health consultations became a hobby as I traveled around the world teaching yoga. The lifestyle I sustained whilst being a traveling yoga teacher was minimalist, rich in time for self-inquiry and study, and a remarkable platform to meet, learn from and connect with incredible people all over the world. Awe-inspiring opportunities have presented themselves whilst traveling in the flow
and being open to receive.

In 2016 the circumstances arose to allow my heart and body to
settle in one place. Skæring, Denmark.

With the help of my husband and neighbourhood, we finished building The Yoga Hut at the end of 2019. This space allows me to practice my crafts, continue to evolve, share my gifts of healing and help elevate our health and consciousness.

It’s a gift to have a dedicated space to serve, to offer what I can give and to be received.

I will Not rescue you,
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
for you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness,
as you remember your light.